Burnt Team
May 16th
  • Xion

XION & Landslide Launching Chain Abstraction to Avalanche Ecosystem

In addition to Chain Abstraction, the integration will also enable native assets to flow freely across Avalanche and the wider Cosmos ecosystem for the first time.

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XION is integrating with Landslide, bringing Chain Abstraction to the Avalanche ecosystem. This integration will unlock new avenues for mainstream adoption by removing technical barriers and enabling seamless user experiences across ecosystems. It will also be the first time that native assets are able to flow freely across Avalanche and the wider Cosmos ecosystem.


XION has been rapidly expanding its Chain Abstraction solution to major ecosystems through strategic integrations, such as Injective, SAGA, and the BNB Chain ecosystem. The goal of Chain Abstraction is to make Web3 more accessible and intuitive for all users by abstracting away cross-ecosystem complexities through XION’s Generalized Abstraction. This allows it to serve as an extension to all major blockchain networks, reshaping the historically competitive nature of L1s, which typically compete for users, liquidity, and developers, to enable true mainstream adoption. XION is continuing this expansion to the Avalanche ecosystem and all its subnets through its work with Landslide.

What is Landslide?

Landslide is bringing seamless interchain connectivity by building the first IBC light client on Avalanche. As the first IBC-enabled Avalanche Subnet, Landslide not only connects Avalanche to other IBC-enabled ecosystems, it also taps into all Avalanche Subnets through the Avalanche Warp Messaging (AVM). In addition, Landslide has built both an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and a CosmWasm Virtual Machine (CWVM) to enable developers to deploy and run smart contracts from both Ethereum and Cosmos ecosystems seamlessly. This dual-VM approach enhances interoperability by allowing assets and data to flow freely across different blockchain platforms. It will also integrate with the Avalanche "Vryx" VM, a fortified decoupled state machine replication construction that provides a path to scale the throughput of each Avalanche HyperSDK blockchain instance to over 100,000 TPS detailed here.

Landslide & XION Integration: Enabling Chain Abstraction

The integration between XION and Landslide is bringing Chain Abstraction to the Avalanche ecosystem by combining XION’s Generalized Abstraction with Landslide’s robust IBC capabilities. It will also enable native asset flow between Avalanche and the Cosmos ecosystem for the first time, introducing new avenues for innovation and increased liquidity. 

The integration leverages the combination of smart contract accounts on both the host chain (XION Meta Accounts) and the destination chain. These smart contracts communicate through IBC, with zero-knowledge state compression proofs created via on-chain light clients and passed permissionlessly via decentralized relayers to the destination chain. Through XION's Generalized Abstraction, user interactions are simplified across both ecosystems, making Web3 more accessible and intuitive than ever before.

In addition, the Landslide integration enables XION to communicate with all Avalanche Subnets by integrating into the Avalanche Warp Messaging (AWM), thereby facilitating the rapid and secure transmission of messages across subnets. The AWM allows any Avalanche Subnet to quickly send arbitrary messages to another Subnet, without relying on a trusted relayer or bridge. This is made possible by utilizing the validators of the sending Subnet, ensuring messages are delivered in just a few seconds, or even less. AWM enables liquidity sharing between subnets and the P-chain. Through Landslide, validator set changes from the Avalanche P-chain are also tracked to ensure the subnet remains synchronized with the latest validator set, thus maintaining secure and consistent transactions.

This integration will enhance liquidity and create a variety of novel cross-ecosystem use cases, making it easier for non crypto-native users to onboard and interact with powerful on-chain applications without grappling with the complexities inherent in Web3 or worrying about the underlying infrastructure. The Landslide testnet is set to launch in the coming weeks, with both developers and early adopters able to sign up today for the opportunity to receive early access.


The integration between XION and Landslide establishes the necessary infrastructure for frictionless cross-ecosystem composability. Through Chain Abstraction, it enables seamless interoperability and optimal end-user experiences between XION and the Avalanche ecosystem. In addition, for the first time, native assets will be able to flow freely between Avalanche and the wider Cosmos ecosystem. This not only strengthens the connection between Avalanche and Cosmos but also sets the stage for innovative cross-ecosystem applications and superior user experiences. By streamlining the user experience and abstracting away technical friction, this integration significantly lowers the barrier to entry across XION and the Avalanche ecosystem to further accelerate mainstream adoption of Web3.