August 29th
  • Xion


XION's L1 is purpose-built to drive mainstream adoption through Chain Abstraction, and is the first blockchain that enables developers to build, launch, and scale consumer-friendly Web3 products from the ground up.

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Developers who are trying to build the next generation of Web3 applications are often faced with a tough question — which ecosystem should they build on? As the infrastructure has progressed, it has led to a proliferation of new chains, with new L1s, L2s, and even L3s. Each one offers its own set of benefits and tradeoffs – some platforms prioritize speed, others decentralization, security, cost, privacy, liquidity, finality, and more. Navigating these tradeoffs can be challenging for developers who seek to create scalable, secure, cost-effective, and most importantly, successful applications.

With XION, developers don’t have to compromise. As a Layer 1 blockchain purpose-built to prioritize user experience, XION is designed to provide the best of all worlds — speed, security, cost, interoperability, community, and continuous innovation without compromise.

If you’re on the cusp of building your project and are navigating the complex landscape of chains to build on, here’s why you should consider building on XION.

How can XION benefit your project?

XION is the first L1 purpose-built to drive mainstream adoption through Chain Abstraction. It is the first blockchain that enables developers to build, launch, and scale user-focused Web3 products from the ground up.

It aims to provide builders with the infrastructure they need to create user-friendly Web3 applications by addressing some of the biggest barriers to widespread adoption from a first-principles perspective. Just as importantly, the XION ecosystem also offers builders an unparalleled amount of resources to support their development, growth, and long term success.

Given the functional and cultural barriers that exist in most Web3 products, solutions that are both user-friendly and useful are few and far between. Technical and psychological barriers can often alienate users, making them the biggest barriers to adoption. Users shouldn’t have to understand the technicalities of a product to be able to reap its benefits — Chain Abstraction solves this by allowing everyday users to benefit from Web3’s decentralized and permissionless architecture without having to understand intricacies such as wallet management, seed phrases and gas. 

XION empowers developers to abstract away these challenges so users aren’t faced with a steep learning curve when they start using Web3 products. It does this by offering builders a highly performant base infrastructure built specifically to remove these barriers and enable seamless UX. Not only does XION offer the right foundation on which to build UX-friendly products, it also offers developers a rich set of resources including incubation-style support to launch, a simplified developer stack, ability to tap into an engaged community of users, as well as access to strategic partners and investors.

Offering a dependable, scalable, and robust foundational layer for Web3 applications to thrive

Developers looking for a high-performance, low-cost L1 that offers a host of novel UX-focused functionalities should consider building on XION. With the ability to process over 10,000 transactions per second (tps) with instant finality, XION offers one of the fastest processing capabilities in the industry. In addition, with transaction fees averaging less than $0.0001 per transaction, it’s an ideal choice for builders looking to abstract away these fees from end users. This ensures end users enjoy a seamless and affordable experience. By choosing XION, developers can leverage these advantages to build fast, secure, scalable, and cost-effective applications that stand out by always keeping the end user top-of-mind. Through protocol-level implementations, developers also benefit from a vastly simplified developer stack.

Developers also don’t have to worry about being siloed, as XION is one of the most interconnected ecosystems in the industry. It enables the seamless flow of assets across L1s, L2s, rollups, and various execution environments. In addition, building on XION allows developers to offer their users the opportunity to initiate cross-chain transactions and engage with applications across other major ecosystems XION is integrating with, such as Solana, BNB Chain, AVAX, SAGA, Injective, Neutron, and more.

How does XION solve distribution challenges by enabling the building of user-friendly applications?

Although Web3’s decentralization benefits promise greater transparency and sovereignty for users, its complexity also deters them. These challenges include:

  • Complex user interfaces

  • Wallet complexities

  • Gas and complicated payment processes

  • Device and interoperability issues

  • Pricing volatility

  • Fragmentation

XION takes a first-principles approach to solving them. As an L1, it is in a unique position to equip Web3 builders with the tooling and functionality specifically required to address these challenges from the ground up. Developers don’t need to rely on third party services; instead, they’re provided with a purpose-built foundation on which they can create Web3 products that offer all of the blockchain’s benefits while sparing users from the steep learning curve typically associated with using today's Web3 solutions.

XION provides Web3 developers with Chain Abstraction infrastructure to remove these technical barriers across many facets:

  • Protocol Level Account Abstraction - Simplified user logins and advanced account functionalities using smart contract accounts.

  • Signatures - Supports various cryptographic curves and future compatibility.

  • Interoperability - Enables seamless cross-chain interoperability and composability.

  • Pricing - XION enables fiat-denominated pricing to provide users with familiarity while reducing volatility.

  • Gas - Users don’t have to worry about understanding gas or accounting for it. XION provides the tools devs need to simplify transactions from the users’ perspective.

  • Payments - Facilitates transactions in any token, eradicating the traditional purchasing complexities through its unique fee abstraction, as well as direct credit/debit card purchasing

  • Devices - Provides robust support and efficient operations for applications to be accessible across various devices

The 7 facets of Chain Abstraction.

Ecosystem Support, Traction, and Strategic Partners

XION doesn’t just empower builders with cutting-edge infrastructure with which to build user-friendly Web3 products, it nurtures developers to build successful long term projects through its resource-rich ecosystem.

Builders can expect:

  • An incubation-style approach that aids in their development supporting projects across the entire development life cycle, from development to marketing to product to fundraising and more

  • A cohesive infrastructure that allows them to build familiar Web2-like experiences for the end users

  • Access to a large user base and cross-ecosystem interoperability, ensuring developers aren’t siloed

  • Fundraising guidance, investor introductions, ecosystem-wide marketing to an engaged community, and white-glove support that ensures support every step of the way.

Developers who build on XION can tap into its burgeoning community and fast growing ecosystem, helping them quickly overcome the cold start problem. XION has over 1.3M+ members across its social channels and boasts one of the most engaged communities in the industry. There are currently over 3M Meta Accounts and over 200+ top-tier deployments, integrations, and partners building in the ecosystem. XION also has a global reach, with a community spanning 150+ countries and having achieved media coverage in the most influential publications: Forbes, Fortune, Block, Coindesk & more.

The XION ecosystem is fortunate to be backed and supported by some of the most renowned VCs, incubators and investors in the Web3 world. XION raised over $36M+ from industry-leading investors including Multicoin, Animoca Brands, Circle Ventures, Valor, Hashkey, Spartan, Mechanism, Figment, Coinlist Seed, Alliance DAO, and more.

Get started building on XION today

You can start building the next generation of Web3 applications on XION today. To help you on your journey, we've compiled a comprehensive list of developer resources. These resources are designed to provide you with the tools, documentation, and support needed to effectively leverage XION's infrastructure and create innovative, user-centric applications. Explore these resources to accelerate your development and bring your ideas to life.